Event Management
This is where the main reporting for sales is available. It has a general information overview, production by terminal, production by volunteer and production by ticket series.

Each of those three reports can be drilled down on if you click on their buttons:
Sales by Terminal Report

If you click on a specific terminal it will show you all the ticket series sold by that terminal for the specific raffle.

Sales by Volunteer Report

If you click on a specific sales volunteer it will show you all the ticket series sold by that sales volunteer for the specific raffle.

Sales by Ticket Series

This report is a matrix of all the voids that were done for all the raffles of the charity.

If you would like to look at the voids for any particular raffle, just click on the hyperlinked event name

This is a report where you can view graphically if a volunteer is reaching the maximum dollar value they are allowed to carry. When this amount is reached the terminal will need to be reset by an admin and hand in their money.

DAILY SALES REPORT (for multi-day raffles
The last report is a sales over time/daily sales report. This report provides a good indication of sales trends over time for the selected event. Select an event to change the graph and chart data.