Online Raffle
M. Turn on Credit Card Processing
Towards the bottom of the Terminal Options screen is the ability to toggle on/off credit card processing.

Figure 36 Turn on credit cards on the Terminal Options screen and Credit button is available on the Sell Tickets screen.
M.2 Process the Sale
Select the Price level you would like to sell and press Credit instead of Cash. The Credit button is in the lower left corner and is the orange button on the Sell Tickets screen.

The credit card can be tapped using NFC, Swiped or card inserted into the bottom of the terminal. The Chip is the end that must be inserted into the terminal. Chip & Pin technology will require a PIN be entered onto the terminal, while swipe technology requires a virtual signature.
QUICK TIP: If no card is presented within 30 seconds the transaction will time out and be declined. All external hardware navigation is removed during this process as well. Ie you can’t get to wifi or airplane mode during the transaction
M.3 Chip and Pin
Enter 4 digit passcode and hit return key

Figure 38 Chip and Pin
M.4 Swipe
Swipe the credit card in either direction, with the magnetic stripe down (on the bottom) and facing away from you so your card appears upside down and facing towards you. The terminal requires a digital signature and then hit the green OK.

Figure 39 Taking Digital Signature