L. Admin Settings Menu
From the Seller Options screen, press the hamburger icon on the top left corner to access the Admin Settings Menu

Figure 33 Admin Menu
L.1 Seller Options
This just returns you to previous Seller Options Screen. You can also touch the far right side of the screen.
L.2 Local Terminal Sales
This is a breakdown of ticket series (price levels) along with a gross, and net amount owed with credit card sales, refunds and the actual cash owed.

L.3 Local Terminal Sales
This option lets you know the ticket ranges the terminal has sold
L3.1. Sales Information: Series
Each different ticket bundle’s series information is listed individually here and then totaled. In Figure 20 we see that the terminal sold only three ticket series “ab, bc, & de” Within the ab series $1685 worth of tickets were sold and 337 different ticket numbers were provided.
L.4 Local Terminal Sales
Resets the operator password for the current login. This is used if the operator forgets their password. It requires an Admin login to reset the password. The default becomes 123456. After the admin logs in, the password is reset and the operator is brought back to the login screen. The terminal needs to be logged in with the temporary password of 123456, then the operator has the opportunity to change the password to a permanent login.
QUICK TIP: The password can also be reset in the raffle manager platform under Add Event Volunteers.
L.5 Terminal Options
L.6 Inspect Terminal
This is an admin password protected option. You can:
1. Verify Software Hash
2. View the terminal logs
3. Delete the logs
L.7 App Mode
This functionality allows a user to toggle between Kiosk Mode and Runner Mode.
Runner Mode: Will ask for a confirmation and after the ticket is printed, the orange hi-lite disappears and no price level is selected.
Kiosk Mode: Will not ask for a confirmation. It will also default to the last ticket price sold. This allows faster selling of more popular price levels. It is meant for kiosks and more seasoned sellers, as it could be more error prone but less keystrokes, less safety checks and faster sales.
L.8 Refund
VIII Refund See credit card transaction appendix
L.9 Closeout
Another admin password protected feature. This functionality closes out the terminal. A Sales summary is printed out and the terminal is no longer associated with a raffle, all sales are reset to 0.