Any kind of prize is fine with us !!
Our software is prize agnostic so it doesn't matter what kind of prize your organization is offering. We love raffling off trips, cars, boats and other unique prizes. Supplementing these prize raffles with a 50/50 raffle is an easy way to grow proceeds without growing your risk or administration burden. Our software makes generating sales, administering the raffle, reporting results to regulators, and marketing your raffle easier.
Many organizations have traditional raffles they run each year but don't retain the participant's information or leave it on hand written slips that are too labour intensive to transfer to a database. Our system automatically grows your database of participants to make launching next year's raffle easier. We even make it easy to email and/or text previous players to ask for them to support this year's raffle.
TAP 50:50 technology allows you to avoid starting each year like a brand new raffle. Instead you can build upon the success and reach of previous raffles.