Cars, Boats & Trips
Any kind of prize is fine with us !!
Our software is prize agnostic so it doesn't matter what kind of prize your organization is offering. We love raffling off trips, cars, boats and other unique prizes. Supplementing these prize raffles with a 50/50 raffle is an easy way to grow proceeds without growing your risk or administration burden. Our software makes generating sales, administering the raffle, reporting results to regulators, and marketing your raffle easier.
Many organizations have traditional raffles they run each year but don't retain the participant's information or leave it on hand written slips that are too labour intensive to transfer to a database. Our system automatically grows your database of participants to make launching next year's raffle easier. We even make it easy to email and/or text previous players to ask for them to support this year's raffle.
TAP 50:50 technology allows you to avoid starting each year like a brand new raffle. Instead you can build upon the success and reach of previous raffles.

Boats & Cars FAQ
What is an electronic 50/50?A 50/50 raffle in which the prize is half the value of all the tickets sold during the event or a defined period of time. Traditionally these were paper tickets, now they can be paper tickets issued by our terminals or an eticket with an online purchase. The purchaser receives a ticket containing a number. Ticket stubs are printed with corresponding numbers and are placed in a drum (or a virtual drum with etickets) for a draw to determine the winner! Signage showing jackpot totals in the venue or online greatly increases jackpots.
Do we have to be a charity/non-profit?Well yes and no. In Canada you have to be a charitable organization. Each jurisdiction works within federal criminal code, but may vary somewhat on their definition of charitable organization. In the US, you have to be a 501(3)(c). We can sell our platform/equipment to non-charitable organizations, such as an or professional team, but a charitable organization has to run the raffle.
Who supplies the labour to sell tickets?The charitable organization has to supply the volunteers to sell tickets. Tap50:50 is a supplier of technology to the charitable gaming sector. We cannot hold the raffle or supply the volunteers.
Do we need a raffle license?In Canada, unequivocally yes. In the US, it's a maybe. Many states require licenses. Many don't.
What kind of terminals does Tap50:50 use?Our terminals are PCI compliant workhorses designed for state lotteries. They look very much like a debit machine. We have utilized a device with a built in printer to save teams/charities from purchasing a device and a hip printer along with only having to power the batteries of one device.
How is the draw done?We have two ways to do the draw. The best way is to press a button on our raffle platform and a gaming lab certified random number generator (RNG) will choose the winner(s) for you. The second way is to network small bank printers to a laptop and print out each individual ticket stub. This is the old school method used by teams when RNG draws weren't allowed in Canada. It still works, it' just a little clunkier, but some jurisdictions still require this method.
What does Tap50:50 charge?We like helping charity and believe in philanthropy so we charge a modest percentage of the jackpot depending on whether you buy or lease our equipment in jurisdictions where this is allowed. To speak in generalities, we charge 6% on terminal based sales if you purchase our equipment. Online may differ and festivals and one-off events that lease our equipment will be more.
When does Tap 50:50 get paid?TAP 50:50 does not run the raffle and therefore never actually is in possession of the raffle proceeds. You as a charity run the raffle with our equipment. When the raffle is over, the money is yours and you can pay us at a later date (soon would be nice).
We have no Wi-Fi. Can we still run a raffle?We are used to these kind of limitations and have ways to make them work despite the environment. We like to take a consultative approach on how to make your environment as productive as it can be. In 2019 we also added cellular raffle terminal capability.